Monday, April 29, 2013

Red or white?

Not sure what wig looks best on Yuli. Red makes him look evil and silver makes him look lost. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I took pictures!

I am in the process of updating my doll site with new photoshoots! First up is Ringo~
In the past year I've really downgraded my collection and I'm much happier because of it.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Back in business!

My website lives once more! I got my domain name back! :D

I have some revamping I need to do but that will have to wait for now.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The future?


I've decided that I am going to try to revive my doll site. I've had that site for like ten years and I already miss it. I'm just debating if I want wait and keep it at (which has been snatched up temporarily again) or choose another domain. I'm probably going to be lame and just register and wait till .com is free again. This has happened before and I did the exact same thing that time.

Future dolls?

All of the dolls. All of them.

Here's my entire posse!

Unfortunately I am still cameraless so you guys are stuck with awkward cellphone pictures for a little longer. Come Black Friday I know what I want.
L >> R : Key and Lock (Custom House Mars twins), Florence (MSD F-13 boy), Jude (Unoa Sist boy)
bottom row :: Yuli (School C boy), Juniper (Ever Purple Ches-a), Sora (MSD Enn on asexual body), Emiru (Custom House Chowon), Domino (MSD Ayumu), Toshirou (Switch Javi), Ringo (Custom House Uranus)